Yogi Adityanath, who is seen in action day and night after becoming CM of UP (UTTAR PRADESH), is flouting decisions.After the action of anti-Romeo crew, illegal slaughterhouses, approval of Javar airport and many such decisions,CM Yogi has now decided to provide cheap food for the poor. Under this scheme, the poor will be given breakfast for 3 rupees and food for 5 rupees.
According to sources, CM Yogi, on the lines of Amma Canteen of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalitha, is going to launch Annapurna Restaurant in UP. The draft of this scheme has been prepared. Under the scheme, Poha, Idli-Sambhar, Dalia and Tea-Pikora will be given in the morning breakfast for 3 rupees. In the lunch and dinner, there will be four roti, vegetable, lentils, rice plate in just 5 rupees.
It is believed that after watching the presentation of the plan, Yogi Adityanath will start it soon. Annapurna Restaurant will be started in all the 14 Municipal Corporations of the state under Public Private Partnership (PPP). The scheme is under progress in the supervision of the Chief Secretary and it is in its final phase. Quality will also be taken into account.
However, on the Labor Day last year, UP's former CM Akhilesh Yadav started the Mid-Day Meal Scheme for the laborers. Under this scheme, a table of food was provided to the laborers at Rs 10. The plate included roti, veg, rice and pulses. It is believed that soon, CM Yogi Adityanath will start his Annapurna Restaurant Plan.
According to sources, CM Yogi, on the lines of Amma Canteen of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalitha, is going to launch Annapurna Restaurant in UP. The draft of this scheme has been prepared. Under the scheme, Poha, Idli-Sambhar, Dalia and Tea-Pikora will be given in the morning breakfast for 3 rupees. In the lunch and dinner, there will be four roti, vegetable, lentils, rice plate in just 5 rupees.
It is believed that after watching the presentation of the plan, Yogi Adityanath will start it soon. Annapurna Restaurant will be started in all the 14 Municipal Corporations of the state under Public Private Partnership (PPP). The scheme is under progress in the supervision of the Chief Secretary and it is in its final phase. Quality will also be taken into account.
However, on the Labor Day last year, UP's former CM Akhilesh Yadav started the Mid-Day Meal Scheme for the laborers. Under this scheme, a table of food was provided to the laborers at Rs 10. The plate included roti, veg, rice and pulses. It is believed that soon, CM Yogi Adityanath will start his Annapurna Restaurant Plan.